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Anu Natarajan for Assembly?

15 Sep

Local political junkies are floating the name of Fremont Council member, Anu Natarajan, as a potential candidate for Assembly for the 18th district. This suggestion would not have been possible had it not been for the redistricting changes approved recently. After the redistricting commission was done with Fremont, the city was carved into two halves. Natarajan happens to live in the northern 18th district which qualifies her to run for the Assembly in that district.

Some Fremont citizens resent having their city represented by someone from Hayward. Others believe that Natarajan is better positioned for Assembly rather than as Mayor of Fremont. Natarajan also has a flair for public policy and regional issues.

Those hoping for Natarajan to run for Assembly shouldn’t get there hopes up. By all accounts, I’m told that although Natarajan likes the attention, she would rather run in the Fremont Mayor’s race.

All is well in Fremont and the world

14 Sep

All is well in the world now that retired Assemblymember John Dutra, the Dutra family, and prominent democrats are backing the same candidate.  Hayward City Councilmember Bill Quirk  is running for Assembly for the 18th district.   Recall,  that this was a former “Hayward” seat and now has shifted to include parts of Fremont.

It’s surprising that the Dutras’ and prominent Democrats including former Assemblymember Alberto Torrico, and current Assemblymember Bob Wiecowski of the 20th district have both endorsed Bill Quirk.  Democrats were irked when they saw their former democratic candidate John Dutra support former republican Garrett Yee in his bid for Assembly and later his unwavering support of Meg Whitman.

All must be well in the world…or at least in Fremont.  Will this collaboration continue on other candidates?  It remains to be seen.

More coverage on this assembly race to come soon…